Cover Abstract For Symposium Proposal
A symposium consists of 4-5 contributions, which are briefly described in the cover abstract (symposium duration: 90 minutes). The length must not exceed 250 words. The abstract can be written in German or English (please use a consistent language within a symposium), but should be submitted in the presentation language. Please do not use graphics or linking. In addition, please make sure that each symposium includes at least one contribution from a young scientist and that several research institutions are represented. We additionally encourage, if possible, to ensure gender balance. Symposium proposals can be submitted until February 28, 2025. Feedback will be provided by March 14, 2025. Once a symposium has been accepted, the individual presentation abstracts will be submitted by the respective presenters (see symposium presentation); contributions from symposia that have not been accepted may be submitted as poster contributions (see poster contributions). The chairing of a symposium (symposium chair) can be done alone or in pairs - with the condition that at least one chair already holds a PhD.
Symposium talk
Symposium talks can only be submitted as part of a registered symposium. For each talk within a symposium, an abstract has to be submitted by March 31st. Abstracts can be in German or English and may not exceed 250 words (please use the same language within one symposium). The language of the abstract should also be the language of the presentation (German or English). Please use text only, and no images or links.
Poster Contribution
A title and an abstract (max. 250 words) are required for poster submission. The abstract can be submitted in German or English. The chosen language should also be the presentation language. Please do not use graphics or linking. Applications will be accepted until March 31st Authors will receive a decision on acceptance till mid April. The maximum poster size is 1.4 m (height) x 1.0 m (width). Posters in landscape format cannot be presented! All young scientists have the opportunity to submit their poster abstract additionally to the poster blitz organized by the JuWis.